Letter 18881220

Weldon, Iowa
Dec. the 20th, 1888

Miss Martha Maitlen,
Kind cousin,
It is with pleasure that I seat myself and take pen in hand to answer your most welcome letter that you no doubt have been waiting impatiently so long for an answer. I will say that I have no particular excus to offer for not writing sooner. The only excuse I have is this, at my working place I was so busy working for my hire, that through the day I had no time to write & my eyes were so weak that I could not write to any advantage. But I finished my work on the 14th inst. therefore by being out of work for the present I will have ample time to correspond with my correspondents if they not all have forgotten me. But I hope not. I believe that I have not written to uncle George since he left here. To tell the truth about the matter, I have not written but verry few letters since father died. But if nothing happens more than I know of now, I will have plenty of time to write to any one that will write to me.
So kind cousin if you have not forgotten me pleas write in answer to this. I am sorry that I have it to say that I can not be with you Christmas day. Matters are arranged so I can not make you a visit probably before next fall. it may be possible that I may this spring, but I am afraid not. But if not I want you & Hattie to enjoy your selves enough for your selves & for me. I expect to start for Missouri next Monday to visit with Uncle George Dickson & family for a short time. I wish you & Hattie could be there to help me enjoy my visit. I am sure that you could enjoy a visit if you were there.
Well Martha, when have you seen my Posy County girl. I haven’t heard from her or received a letter from her since about four or five months ago. You may be your boot I don’t write to Posy County any more. Is that the way girls do in your parts. I hope not. Well cousin I can’t think of much to write this time more than we are having verry fine weather out here. Haven’t had but two snow squalls this winter. I will take that back, we did have three but neither of them lasted but a few days.
People are making great preparations for Christmas. I hope will have a good time. I hope you will have a good time on the same day. Well I will close for this time. I hope you will write soon.

I remain as ever your loving and affectionate cousin,
F. O. Delk

Direct to Unionville, Putnam county, Missouri for the present so I will get your letters sooner.