Letter 19180918

Sep. 18, 1918
Weldon, Iowa
My Dear Frank,
I will try to write you again. How are you and why do we never hear from you. We all have colds but we are all able to go about. We have looked for a letter from you for a long time. I know it is very hard for you to get to write, but I am going to try to help you. I am sending an addressed envelope and paper for you to write us. Please write if it is possible. We are very much worried about you at times.

Sept. 24th
Well you see I haven't been writing for a few days. We are about the same. I am not well at all. I guess I will not feel well during the fall and winter. You know I never do. Mary has a cold. She is not at school today. I have been up to the store today. Everything looks nice in there. We have quite a good stock in. I do wish you was in there helping your Pa. We have about the best trade of any place in town. Mr. & Mrs. Harless are running the hotel now. Charlie Down's lives in the back rooms. Velma was married last Sat. Pearl Down was married about 2 months ago, also Tom & Maggie Pettis. Velma & Maggie married brothers. They are relation of Ben Scaddeus and live in Missouri. Pearl Down had a house rented and furnished quite a while before he got married. His girl went back on him just when they were ready to get married. He bragged how he was going to sell her cows and chickens. I don't know if that is why she wouldn't have him then or not, but they patched it some way and got married. The fellow that Velma married was going to marry Willoh Corlin but he decided that Willoh was to big and fat. I do not know if this is true or not, but they are telling it on him any way. Well I suppose you know that Russell is now in France. He has been there about 3 weeks. He wrote while he was on the ship, but we have not heard since. Oh I will be so glad if the time ever comes when you boys are all safe home and all right. It does seem like the war will soon be over. What do you boys over there think about it. Well I have a letter to write to Russell and one to Charlie. Russell's address is
Pvt. Russell L. Delk
Co "A", 334th M.G.B. 87 Div. France

And this is Charlie's address
1st Sgt. C. W. Delk
Co "L" 3rd Regt. Inf. Tr. & Repl. Troops
Camp Pike, Ark.

Well I guess this is all for this time. Now Kiddie do please write me even a few lines, just as soon as you can. We are very anxious to hear from you. (May God bless and keep You.) Mother

Don't forget to write Kiddie. Good by with a world of love from Mother.