Letter 19360126

C. W. DELK, Proprietor
Dealer in U. S. STAMPS
Weldon, Iowa


Dear Father & Mother.
I suppose you wonder why I did not call you Thursday instead of Jim, but as I had promised Jim I would call him in case James William arrived I thought it would be OK if he called you. James arrived early Thursday morning in fact at 5:30. Weighs 9# and is doing fine, even though it is below the zero mark most of the time. We have not worked any at the quarry to speak of this week but expect to go back to work Monday, we shoveled snow on the road leading south from town Friday and Saturday, in fact it is too cold to be out very long at a time. I suppose you and Ira's are all O .K. at least I hope so, it looks like we would get our bonus after so long a time. Well you know we all can use it. l have not or rather we have not decided just yet what we will do with what we have left after we get a few debts paid off. Of course we cann’t pay all of them this time, but we are going to pay some of them of long standing. we sertainly do thank Ira for those nice dresses and I know Bernice will be tickled pink as the saying go'es. we are nearly out of fuel again but I suppose we will be able to get some, some where as we always have, I bought a load of wood the first of last week and the releif gave me a half ton of coal but it wont last longer than a week from the way it's going, we lost all the apples and are loseing some of our potatoes but I guess that's all in life any way and you might as well sing as to cry, any way I think you will live longer on the singing. it was 18 below last night and I stayed up till midnight and kept a fire, you know with this house and I know its better than some it takes a lot of fuel and with the little folks we have just got to keep it warm, but then in a hundred years from now it will all be forgotten, we are talking some of opening a roadside store at the corner west of town, all talk at the present , but it light turn out O K . we could sink our money in a house, but nine times out of ten we would loose it, so we are not going to do that unless we can find one where a hundred dollars will pay the first payment and the rest on monthly payments, however we are not going to do any thing till I talk to Ira. Between him and Bernice and my self I think we can figure a way out. $565.00 coming and I dont want to loose it. I suppose it is plenty cold up there, but thank goodness you and mother are where it is warm. how is Jackie, Clyde and all the rest.? we received your letter and you may be sure we were glad to hear from you and we will also be glad when its warm enough for you folks to come back home for the summer. I also received a letter from Jim and Lena, You know folks Jim and Lena are mighty nice, and have been mighty good to you folks, at least I think they have, and Jom wanted the boy Named after him and Bernice and I thought it O K so we promised them in case it was a boy that would be his name. so he will be known as Jim or J W as you prefer. all the kiddies are elated, however Edwin wanted to know of Dr Eggleston why he brought us another baby, Dr just laughed. we have now Edwins Birthday on the 21st, James on the 25rd, Virginia on the 25th and Dickie on the 27th so we can celebrate them all at once. take some cake and quite a few candles to go round, well folks dont worry about us we are getting along OK and are all well. they shorted us on a our pay checks this time but I suppose we will get it back some time, if we dont I suppose they will use it to balance the budget so till we see you or writ good by. and God bless you all.
From C W and family.

  • Letter19180609
  • Letter19180609