Letter 18900907

Osceola, Iowa
Sept. 7, 1890
Dear Uncle Ell,
If I remember I did not answer your last letter and as I have nothing do just now, I will try and answer it. I know you will be delighted to hear from me. Well what are you driving at now a days? Have you started out with your book yet? If so what kind of luck are you having? I have gone into the printing office (Sentinel) and I like it awfully well. I am hired for a year and if I like it and everything goes alright, I can stay two years. I seen your picture man here the other day, but I guess he did not know me. At least he didn’t act like it. Well L. your (?) said she spoke to you when you were here but you didn’t speak to her. You musent treat my chums that way. Well Ell, when are you coming up? We shall be very glad to see you any time you have a mind to come. Oh, by the way L. ole Kyte got a letter from crown the other day so it lays with you and Virge. Which one is it that is stuck. I guess she thought you were both pretty good fellows.
It is raining today and is cold as Greenland. Ida and (?) went through our town the other day enrout to Des Moines. Frank also went but not the same day. Mr. Merrith called at the office when he came throught. I wonder what Grantie thought about it.
Well I don’t suppose you can read this but I hope you will answer it any way. I haven’t had a bit of fun since I came home. There isn’t a thing going on. You had better come hear and canvas your book. I don’t think you can sell many but you can have lots of fun. Nell said she would like to have one. How is your good Emiline getting along or have you seen her lately. I think you had better make a (?) on some our pretty girls here. Then you will have one worth something. Well I must close now. Please do not wait as long to answer this as I (?) to (?) yours. When ever you can come up and see us. Bye, bye.
Your niece,
Nellie Delk