Letter 18910131

Jan. 31
Mr. E. E. Delk
Dear Brother,
After waiting for some time for something to happen so that I would have some news to write and there has been nothing of interest, so will write something. We are all well at present, hope it may find you the same. As far as the relations are concerned, I don’t know much about them. I have not seen any of them except Henry. Met him in town one day. I have been looking for Joe’s over for some time. If they don’t want to come over I wish they would say so. Then I would not be looking for them. I am going over as soon as I can.
I seen in the parsnal (personnel) this morning that Bart’s was going to move to LeRoy. That is all I know a bout them. I supose the Children told you what for time we had Christmas. I suppose Dolly told you what Ortiz brought her for a present.where did you spend your Christmas and what for time did you have. Did you have as good a time as you had last year. Did you go hunting.
Bessie says tell you she would like to see you.
We are going to have beans for dinner to day. Do you have any beans in Missouri. What do you have to eat any way.
Now for the neighborhood news, well Willard Rayess wife has a boy. Edna Thompson has one so you see Clem and Willard will soon have help on the farm. I heard the other day that Matt Flint was sick and Mrs. Overholtzer. Fletch Keller sold his west 80 of land to Frank Howell and talks of seling his other to (?) and Mr. Tillotson has sold out and some of the (?) and Mr. Bullard. I guess that is all.
The scarlet fever is in Leon they say. The children said it was in the lady hall up there. I am in hopes they will not get it. Virgil said you talked of going farther south, are you.
Have you had any sleigh rides this winter. I have had a good many. We were pretty nearly snowed under here for a while. It has been trying to rain for a few days. We have had a very nice winter so far. We have not had any letter from the children this week and Ambross is going to town this after noon so I will have to hurry with my letter. Is Nan down there yet and where is he staying and how is aunt getting along this winter.
Write soon and often and tell us how you are making it in the bank business. All for this time. From your loving sister,

Olive Arney