Letter 18910930

Weldon, Iowa
Sept. 30, 1891
Mr. E. E. Delk
Dear Uncle, I will now try and answer your kind and welcome letter that I received some time ago and was very glad to hear from you. We are all well but Johny Delk. He is here now and is very sick. He has the dropsy and the doctor says he will never get well. He says he might linger a long two months and maby not.
Well it is prety cold here now after so long a time and looks very much like rain today.
Well I got that handkerchief all right but it isn’t just like the one I have but it will be all right I guess.
Say I want you to send me your picture for mine. I am afraid you will never send it.
Florance Davis is here. She isn’t going home I guess. She is going to teach at winter school here.
Well I must close for this time. Hoping to hear from you soon.
By By
For this time.

Yours truly,
Miss Meda Worden
Weldon, Iowa