Letter 18920106

Leroy, Iowa Jan. 6, 1892
Elmer E. Delk
Dear brother, I will write you a few lines tonight. We are all well. Hope this will find you well. We are very busy & have been all winter. Bart has a piece of timber to cut off for the wood. He gets a little work every few days so he has no time to play when it is fit to work. To morrow he goes to help dig a well,
It is snowing and has been all day. The boys are at church. Nellie & (?) were down today. Their father is very poorly. They told us Nan has sold out. I wonder what he will do. He stopped and spend a day with us when he came hone. We have not seen any of the folks from up home since Thede was here. Thede & Sell came down & stayed all night. The poor boy, I felt so sorry for him. He had to suffer so. It makes me feel bad to think about it. We ought to be very thankful for our good health. He enjoyed his visit I think very much. It seemed like he could hardly go away. He made us some very nice presents. He says he & wife are going to the worlds fair & stop here & have a good visit. Yes, little johny is beside grand ma & grand pa. it is best for him. How did you spend Xmas. I looked for you home & looked all week of holidays but you did not come. We stayed home. Looked for some of the folks but it was to stormy. Write soon.

As ever, your loving sister, Lillie.