Letter 18920306

Indianola, Iowa 3.6.1892
Dear Uncle,
We rec’d a letter from you some time ago. Were very glad to hear from you after so long a time. I thnk this is about the fourth one I have written you since I have heard from you. We like our new house very well so far. There is lots of land around here at present and our lot without any grass on is in a fine shape you bet.
I rec’d a letter from Jim the other day. He was as well as usual. He is still at (?). I don’t know when he will graduate. Laltde Burnette got a picture from him the other day and he is the best looking nephew you have got. He has beard like a regular sport and you know he always puts on his best in getting pictures as everyone does.
Well how are you and the * getting along. Have they raised any on pay. If you ever take up being General Agt. Again, you must come back to Iowa and get a vacation and make us a visit. I suppose you ain’t married yet are you? F. O. has bought a farm in Missouri. He gave $600 for 60 acres. I guess he has lots of stumps and trees. I believe he has hopes of getting that girl down there and I hope he will. He got a good price for his farm in Decatur. Grand has acted real mean with him I think. He went down and got some of his things and took them over to Uncle Joe’s and Grant thought he ought to leave all of the old wagon wheels and every thing but his household goods. But I guess Nan fooled him.
Well I must close for this time. Write soon.
John Virgil Arney