Letter 18920307

Indianola, Iowa
March 7, 1892
Dear Uncle Elmer,
Your very welcome letter was rec’d some two or three weeks ago.
Virge wrote to you yesterday and left it for me to write some, but really I haven’t a single thing to write about. But I expect though that I will fill the sheet before I get through.
Of course what we consider the important things always come first and that is the way I will begin this evening. The thing that I consider the most important this evening is that I am going to the opera house this evening to hear a quartette. I hear that it is to be the finest thing that ever was here.
Three of the girls in the college (including myself) are to give a recital Wednesday night. I have four instrumental solos and a part in two duets. I don’t know just what kind of concern it will prove to be, but I hope it will be a success.
Ma was quite sick for two or three weeks a short time ago but is about all right now.
I suppose you are aware of the fact that A. R. K. and Halse are married, so you see you are left again.
Did Virge tell you in his letter that Martha is dead? I guess she suffered terribly but she is at rest now. I expect that uncle and aunt are very lonesome now.
I forgot to tell you while speaking of weddings that Charley Ryan and one of Dan Bright’s girls are married.
Well I guess I have written all of interest this time, hoping to hear from you soon,
I am,
Your loving niece,
Dolly M. Arney