Letter 18921030

1892 (October 30)

Unionville, Mo.
Oct. 30, 1892
Dear Bro” & Sister,
Yours of the 10 inst” was rec’d the 15 of the same just a day or so after I mailed mine to you but was really glad to hear from you & to hear that you were all well. This day finds us all in usual health the excepting the snotty cold I found going out to town yesterday. The folks all went over to the Hill to meeting this morning. Will be back this evening some time. I didn’t feel able to go or else I should have went.
Thursey Dickson & Jet Clapper were married Wednesday evening. Anne still corresponds with M.D.C. It is my opinion they will unite inside of a year. George Dickson Jr. joined the Christian Church & was baptized Monday last. We are going to dig a well at Bethany or rather a cistern. Will begin on the morrow morning. I have been appointed to superintend the work
I rec’d a letter from A. H. & Oll. Yesterday. They live in Leon now. They sold out in Indianola in August. Ollie told me that Meda & Jim Hensley were married & before it come off they had a big racket at Joe’s. it is my opinion she got it like Kate did before she was married only worse. Ida & Cassie are married too. I suppose Meda thinks that she has done it up in a brown rag or something else & no doubt she has & my opinion is that A.H.’s moved from Indianola account of Dolly. Of course I don’t know & if I was in Joe’s place I would fix things so Meda & Jim would only get just what the law allowed them & no more.
Grant John has sold out the old place to Uncle Billy Brazleton. Got $1,500. Frank John went back to Ohio on a visit this summer & while there was married to a Irish women. So I guess the John’s family will increase instead of decrease. Frank is a bullyboy but Grant is more like a boy bull.
The old lady Coppock & her daughter Taire Hull from Ness County, Kansas was here on a short visit. They started back last Tuesday. They took Hen. Hull’s wife and four younger children with them. Hen’s wife has the consumption. Hen. And the two oldest girls will start in the morning with team & wagon. Joe’s older sister (?) Coats from Iowa came the day after they left. She is visiting here now.
Well I thought long ago I would have been in Dunkirk before this time but I am still in old Putnam yet & likely to be for some time. Don’t look for me any more.
I will close hoping to hear from you soon, I remain as ever with respect, your brother,
F. O. Delk