Letter 19180126

Note: This letter has gaps in it a/c tears and holes in the original. It was written on stationary from the Army and Navy Young Men's Christian Association.

Dear Father and Mother,

I received your letter yesterday and was sure glad to hear from you but was sorry to hear that mother and the children were sick and hope by the time this letter reaches you that they are better. Every thing is coming all O.K. with me. Was made corporal on Jan. 22. Took lessons in bayonet fighting from an English officer and have drilled a section in the same every day since. I am sending my warrant to you in the same roll with this letter. You can show it to any body you want to but be sure to let Doc. O.P.J. see it. Well I am glad to hear that the grocery is doing so good as it is and hope that it keep up the same. Well it is raining outside and the snow is melting pretty fast and the water is running down the street pretty fast. Hope it all runs of by Monday as I do not like to run around in it. But I guess it wont hurt. (?) at the least it has not so far. I am in charge of quarters so (?) don't have anything to do but sit and (?) letters and it is pretty (?). We are back in quarantine again for mumps. Had four cases yesterday. I have charge of the record section everyday. I know all of the gun drill and all of the symphore signaling so have it pretty easy. I do not have to work any that is fatigue work. Of course I have to study every night a non-com school but that is not bad. Just have to answer a few questions and I can do that pretty good. It also gives me $6 more each month and that is not so bad. Expect to be home sometime in the near future. That is if everything goes all right and I think they will. It looks like Austra was getting enough of it all ready does it not. Well there is not very much to tell you this time so will quit for this time. From your son & with love to all.

Corporal C. W. Delk

Batt E, 336th (?)