Letter 19280424

at Home April 24, 1928

My Dearest Niece

I rec your most welcome letter last eve was glad to get it for I was getting uneasy since you had your sydones for fear you might had more of them and got hert in one of them as I always rec your letters on Thersday that wer wrote on Sunday so you see why Dear I was so oneasy about all of you. You see Dear you are all I have left in this selfish old world a lonely sulfish old man but don’t look everybody says to be over 50 or 55 but I feel this morning about 30. Dear I am so much better I weigh 162 but my average weight is 180. 5 ft 8 in tall my hair is a dark Brown fine looking Hobo – by Sorry Mike.

Well we will put all joking aside but Dear honestly I feel better than I have for too years and I hope to be able to be at light work soon I don’t know just when my trial will come off but about the first of June I expect the first one for 350.00 Dollars second one for 875.00 Dollars about July if we can’t settle out of court maby one is all they will want.

Well Dear I had some good luck yesterday I settled with the estate yesterday instead of getting 2.00 Dollars I got 23.00 Dollars. Put 20 Dol of it away to pay part on my ticket to see you all this sumer or this fall maby if they Bof me I can save enough to get out with a little left if I git so I can work a little.

Love to all hope you are all well,
J.T. Delk