Letter 19280512

at home

May 11. 28

My Dearest Niece

Just Rec your and your Fathers letters about one hour ago was sure glad to hear from you all but sorry to hear of your Fathers misfortune about his eyes now. Dont let him go to doctor as his mother was blind or almost stone blind for 11 years your Grand Father sent her to all kinks of Eye Doctors to Chicago Cincinati Ohio to N.y. came home still blind before your father was born then and old Friend of my fathers below leon cured her sound so she could Read fine Print with out glasses for 10 Cents after Father Spent hundred of Dollars.

Now Dear before I left home to come west my Father had too Recipts I wanted one was the Eye water the other was for the asthma as Mother had if awful bad but he had to sign a Paper to never let either go out of his family while Either of them lived so when I left home I got into his Deed box and stole a coppy of both yes stold them I cured a case of asthma for a man in Rosebury Or all the Doctors had given up to Die by the name of Robert Mcculough he offered me 100 Dollars Dear but I took nothing I have cured 9 cases all togather then 11/2 years afte I was here I cured the worst cas of Granulated Eyelids I ever seen one of our firemen in Arlington your Father knew him a Mr. Varney got his Eyes most burnt out in a big hotell fire in Arlington after your Father left there the Docks of Portland said he never would see again. I cured him for 10 cents as good as ever got many fine hog liver for it as he Knew I was a fond of them an was our butcher I have cured Eyes of all kinds and almost Kinds and almost Kind of Eye Diseases.

Now Dear I will send you the Reciept use it just as I tell you to it takes all information out and strenghtens all the Eye nervs take a 3 oz bottle Put 1 level teaspoon ful of table salt 1 tea spoon ful of granulated surgar one Piece of ?ead the size of a grain of a grain of popcorn. one Piece of Sulphate of zinc. or white vitrol both the same thing shake and let set till all is disolved and clear then Dreem of all Drugs in bottom of bottle Put one Drop in each Eye Nite and Morning with a Dropper Put it in next to the Nose then wash them Every Morning with luke warm tea with a little salt in it try it a week then let me hear from you Disolv in Rain water is best.

Well Dear Dont monkey with Eye Doctors all no good well Dear I will close for to night will write more tomorrow feel fine am making Garden

Love to all your Uncle Joe Delk