Letter 19280514

May. 14th. 28. at Old lonesom home

My Dearest Niece

Will drop you a fiew lines to let you know I am still improving slow but my strength is awful Por yet can only do 2 or 3 hours work at a time but I am thankful for that is more than I ever expected I have got in a fine garden my sweet corn is coming out of the ground beans & Peas almost through the ground.

Well Dear got two of the best attorneys in Portland to take my cases they say they will win both cases after Examening my papers my first case comes off the 18.th of June so feel a little better well Dear how are of you getting along and how is your Fathers Eyes wish he had wrote me long ago about them what seems to be the trouble I wish I could be there I feel almost sure I could cure them as I have done some of the thing the Docks give up May be there but dont know just when Dear have him do just as I told him to well I have 20 minets to mail this hope your all well write when you can love to all

your Uncle Joe Delk