Letter 19280616

At home June, 16. 28

My Dearest Niece & all Rec your Kind letter last night glad to hear you were all well I am feeling better but am quite shakey but am a little stroger was to St Johns yesterday to see our cousin John Dickson I dont think he can last long Dear he is much worse than I am I am ashamed to complain he has the same trouble as I have and the Dopsy with it has been taped 5 or 6 times already he is at his Daughters Mrs Ressy Overstreets he talks about starting home to Missoury in July but he will surprise us all if he lives til then but is like the Docks Say I am hard to Kil but we will both get there Pretty Soon

Well Dear you spoke about Rain we have had Some of the hardest Rain this week of the hole winter well Dear Excuse this short letter as I am going to Portland today and am in a hurry hope you are all well will hear how I come out soon as I know

Love to all your uncle Joe. T. Delk