1933 to 1937 Diary is Done

February 11th, 2011 § Comments Off on 1933 to 1937 Diary is Done § permalink

The diary is done with an index, of sorts. I have coded it so one can jump to the beginning of every month. Since I now know how I am laying the diary section out, the other diary’s will go a little faster. As I have mentioned before, this diary holds some interesting tidbits about what was going on, from where everyone was to the weather. Please take some time to go through it and let me know what you think.


Diary updated

February 6th, 2011 § Comments Off on Diary updated § permalink

Aunt Mary’s diary has been updated, it is now complete through October. Interesting stuff going on in Weldon, Iowa. Peggy is crazy on a couple of days, they listened to King George IV speech, canned a lot garden goods for the cave, spent time in the cave because of a bad storm, and a lot of people visited. This is good stuff for researchers of the Great Depression era house holds. Will have the rest of the diary and an index later in the week.


Diary updated, again.

January 30th, 2011 § Comments Off on Diary updated, again. § permalink

The months of April and May, 1933 through 1937 have been posted, with the April links fixed. After I get all of the pages posted, I will make an easier index for people to jump around the diary. Dad is also preparing a book a poems that Martha Maitlen Delk had written through out her life. These poems detailed the times, both good and bad in her life and give a good account, just like Mary’s diary, of what was happening in the world around her. Look for them starting next month.


Diary updated

January 16th, 2011 § Comments Off on Diary updated § permalink

Mary May Delk’s diary has been updated. The months of February, March and April have been added. Also, I fixed the first link. Should have the rest done by the end of the week.

Mary May Delk Diary 1933-1937

January 12th, 2011 § Comments Off on Mary May Delk Diary 1933-1937 § permalink

I have started to post pages of my great-aunt’s diary, located here. So far I have the month of January for all four years posted. This time span covers the birth of my father and his brother, plus a few family deaths and her teaching job in Stringtown, Iowa, near Lamoni and Davis City, Iowa. This, and all of her other diaries are important on several levels. One, it gives a general picture of what life was like during the Great Depression. On another level, it gives a glimpse of what the Delk family was up to, from Martha and Elmer’s health to what jobs Mary’s brothers were doing during that time period. It also shows that they ate a lot of pies, canned quarts upon quarts of fruits and veggies and ran a flower business. I have not transcribed the diary yet, but if someone would like to index the names of not just family members, but friends and customers, that would be helpful for people who are searching for relatives that lived in the area.

I have everything scanned, so it will be just a matter of me getting the html done and posted. As always, look forward to any comments.


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