More Joseph Theodore Delk Letters

April 23rd, 2014 § Comments Off on More Joseph Theodore Delk Letters § permalink

Not only letters, but hair samples and a new photo of Theodore and his son Louis. These letters also chronicle his cousin John Dickson’s illness, (where Theo doesn’t think he will live much longer) and his run in with thieving crooks who stole something from him but not sure yet.

Will have more to share latter this summer. I am going on a hiatus while I get my daughter pointed in the right direction for college. In the meantime, Dad will start to put together some more documents and photos, and I will quietly upload more photos and letters when I get a chance. Hopefully by the time I get back, one of Virginia’s grandchildren will have some stuff to share with us.

Until then, Brian

And now the photos

March 24th, 2013 § Comments Off on And now the photos § permalink

The photos have been updated. To see what is new, click here.

Franklin Delk and Gretel Neimann

October 31st, 2012 § Comments Off on Franklin Delk and Gretel Neimann § permalink

Franklin  was stationed in Germany during World War One, and apparently had  started a relationship with Gretel Neimann. We have had two postcards translated from old German style handwriting and I have posted them along with some photos of Gretel on Franklin’s webpage. One of the postcards disproves the belief that they were married, but in her mind they were. She is truly heart broken. Will post more if we find anything.


About time…

October 22nd, 2012 § Comments Off on About time… § permalink

The thing about family history is this; while researching the past, the present keeps adding to it. Good or bad, family history has to be experienced, which is why I have been so slow to add new material. But there is now more documents and photos up, most of them having to do with Charles Wesley Delk and his immediate family. Keep checking on the photo and document  logs, I may sneak stuff in without announcing it.

Until next time, Brian.

Small Change/Big Returns

September 4th, 2012 § 1 comment § permalink

I have now added the three surviving children of Charles Wesley Delk, onto this site. While that may seem small, it opens up the door for more photos and documents to be posted. In the coming month I will be putting up photos of Charles and Bernice Delk’s children, some that may have not been seen since they were developed, locked away in some of their photo albums, forgotten about until now. Also, I will be slowly adding the rest of Ethelred’s descendents, at least the one’s I have verified. By doing this, I will be able to connect people in the group photos.

I will up date the Photo log and Document log when items are added before I add more post, so I would look there before here for updates.


Minor changes, more to come

April 11th, 2012 § Comments Off on Minor changes, more to come § permalink

While I have been waiting for some new material from my father, who was out spending my inheritance. I decided I should better organize myself. In doing so, I have changed all the photos to the jpeg format and have internally renamed them. I would say 90% of the photos have been updated, and with the jpeg format comes the ability to save the tags that I have embedded within them. I have also watermarked all of the photos. Why did I watermark the photos you may ask. Because I am tired of people taking them and posting them on without permission. I know that technically I do not own the photos, but, if I take the time to scan them and clean them up, plus pay for the web hosting, I should at least get some credit. is a paid site that is supported by advertising and membership; they make money off of the members who put legit photos on their site. Please do not steal, but if you want a copy please let me know and I will email you a higher quality scan without the watermark.

With that said, here is a link to a list of all of the photos on this site. The xx’s indicate that the photo is actually up on the site for each individual person. The documents are also going to be treated the same way. I will also be trying to get the my cousins listed and linked so I can start adding even more photos and documents. Until then, enjoy.


Photos, documents and letters

December 30th, 2011 § Comments Off on Photos, documents and letters § permalink

In terms of my family line, I know where I came from. I can show who was my Grandfathers’ Grandfather. I know some of the basic facts of there lives. What I do not know is who they were. But I am finding out. And that is what this website is about. I may have never known my Grandfather Charlie Delk, but I do know he played cribbage and he taught my Father, who taught me and who has taught my son. I am learning more about him through the letters he wrote home to his parents during WWI. I know that his Mother was distraught over the death of her children and wrote poems to get through the tough times. And lucky for us, her daughter Mary May saved almost everything, and now we are able to share that with you. And getting to know who our family was and what their lives were like is just as important as the 1900 census. The story of our family starts to develop as we gather the photos, letters and documents that were left behind. We begin to learn that Russel Delk was at Camp Dodge on Thanksgiving day in 1917 and that his brother Frank was getting to know the women in Germany. Charlie was at Camp Pike, while his future wife Bernice Butler was studying to become a teacher at Drake University. There are new photos, documents, and letters for all of these family members, and as we uncover more, we will get to know who they were. Have a safe and prosperous 2012. Brian

Merry Christmas to All!!!

December 18th, 2011 § Comments Off on Merry Christmas to All!!! § permalink

My Great-Grandmother was a poet and she did know it. We are currently going through her poems and transcribing them. Seven pages have been added to Martha Maitlen Delk’s page, along with some more photos and two more letters. Some of the poems are Christmas poems that she wrote to friends and family. I will also have some pictures of her and Elmer, Mary May and others, along with some more documents by the end of next week. Until then, Have a Merry and Safe Christmas Holiday.


Charlie Delk and Family, (sort of)

June 1st, 2010 § Comments Off on Charlie Delk and Family, (sort of) § permalink

I have now updated Charles Wesley Delk with photos, and have included his wife, Bernice Butler with photos for her. You can only get to her from Charles page. I will be adding some documents to their site as well later in the week. I am still waiting to find out about adding their children to the site.

In other news, I am starting to work with the city of Pleasant Hill on a history project showing the growth of the city and also what the future may hold. I have a photo that I want to add to the site showing a corn field that was taken from Highway 163, the area is now developed with houses and businesses. Would like to get people to sit down and interview to talk about how the city has changed over the past 50 years. This will be an on going project that I hope will get people interested in the history that is around them and that they to will become involved.


New Documents, Photos, Poems and Bio

May 11th, 2010 § Comments Off on New Documents, Photos, Poems and Bio § permalink

I have uploaded a biography of George Washington Delk, written by his son, dictated by GW. Elmer and Martha’s obituary are now posted as well as some poem’s that Martha had written during World War I. Some photos of Franklin Elsworth Delk before he left for the War are on-line and one of Solomon Bennet Delk, date unknown, is also posted.

Remember to give everything time to load. I am trying to keep everything below 3mb in size, but if you do not have high-speed internet, it will take a few minutes. If anyone wants a photo at a higher resolution for printing, please let me know and I will give you a separate download link.


Where Am I?

You are currently browsing the Photos category at Delk Family History (and more!).