More Joseph Theodore Delk Letters

April 23rd, 2014 § Comments Off on More Joseph Theodore Delk Letters § permalink

Not only letters, but hair samples and a new photo of Theodore and his son Louis. These letters also chronicle his cousin John Dickson’s illness, (where Theo doesn’t think he will live much longer) and his run in with thieving crooks who stole something from him but not sure yet.

Will have more to share latter this summer. I am going on a hiatus while I get my daughter pointed in the right direction for college. In the meantime, Dad will start to put together some more documents and photos, and I will quietly upload more photos and letters when I get a chance. Hopefully by the time I get back, one of Virginia’s grandchildren will have some stuff to share with us.

Until then, Brian

Joseph Theodore Delk

March 14th, 2014 § Comments Off on Joseph Theodore Delk § permalink

Around 1928 my Great-Great Uncle, Joseph Theodore Delk, started corresponding with his niece, Mary May Delk. True to the Delk hoarding gene, she kept all of the letters. I have had these letters for awhile, but had stored them before a move ten years ago, and am just now getting back to them. You see, I have the hoarding gene as well, which is bad for the home life, but good for future genealogist. So, I am now scanning the letters, as well as transcribing them. My goal, is to do at least three a week. The first three are up on his home page.

As a side note, his death certificate and 1930 census information shows that his father was born in Ireland. That, as we all know, is not the case.

Until next time,


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