Marjorie Jean Delk

March 2nd, 2011 § Comments Off on Marjorie Jean Delk § permalink

I am the youngest of the first cousins. This is not a statement, just a fact. My grandfather, Charles Wesley, passed away before I was born, and my grandmother, Bernice, a year and a half after I was born. So instead of grandparents, I had lots of aunts and uncles. We were a big family and we had huge family gatherings. The annual Christmas get together was at my Dad’s sister Marge’s house and it was by all accounts a big deal, even though we had just saw everyone a month earlier at Thanksgiving. I was spoiled with cookies that Aunt Marge had prepared and stamps that Uncle Warren had gathered for me. I was also schooled in cribbage and tolerated by the older cousins. Those times are long past. The big family Thanksgiving diner and Christmas gatherings eventually stopped and three years ago the family reunions also came to an end.
My aunts and uncles have grown old and sadly, they too, are passing away. Aunt Marge passed away on Friday, February 24, 2011. She will be missed by many, but, her cookie making will live on. For my wedding 20-years ago, she gave me a cookie cookbook, which to this day is still being used. And I am passing what I know about making cookies, on to my daughter, who is one of the many cousins and grandchildren who will carry on the traditions and values that the children of Charles and Bernice have passed along to their children.

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