Document updates

August 2nd, 2010 Comments Off on Document updates

I have updated some documents, most notably some newspaper clippings about Warren and Bob. There are also some photo updates of Sarah (Delk) Maitlen and family. One major change is that I am starting to post photos and documents as jpegs rather than png files. The reason is because I like to use metadata to tag all of my scans, and for some reason beyond my knowledge, png files do not keep the metadata given to them. Will anyone notice? Maybe. But that is because the file size has been cut in half, so faster loading times of the files. On the other hand, the file data is going from 16 bit to 8 bit. That only makes a big difference on the editing side, not the viewing side, so it is a win-win for everyone.

In other update news, I need to hold off scanning for a while until my computer that I use to scan with can be replaced. This will allow me to catch up and post every thing that has been scanned so far and it will allow me to post more letters.

Until then, enjoy the summer.

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