Letters update and correction

February 4th, 2010 Comments Off on Letters update and correction

I have now finished, for now, updating letters between the various family members. A picture is starting to form on how close knit the family was. Fernandis, or Nan, Theodore, and Elmer traveled west and back. Theodore’s son died at an early age. And the girl’s wrote about romance. I also stand corrected about having pictures of all of Ethelred’s children. We do not have one of Isaac or Isabelle. Isaac died in 1864, so it is doubtful we will ever find one of him, and Isabelle we can not make a definite identification. On the other hand, we have one of all of John’s children.

Speaking of photos, now that I have batch of letters done, I am now going to start on some photos and setting up a second family, The Maitlen’s, who would be my Great-grandfathers wife, Martha Maitlen. They were also kissing cousins. More on that later.

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