First Document, techie stuff

March 1st, 2010 Comments Off on First Document, techie stuff

Figured out how to get something to work in CSS, so now the Document section is working. I posted Fernandis Orien’s obituary. This is a learning process for me since CSS is not my normal cup of tea, but I am getting the hang of it. I just now need to make the dates of the letters into columns and I will be happy. It should be easy to do and it will look nicer. I have been having an internal debate with myself about the photos. Part of me wants to dust bust all of the photos and have them look as good as the day they were taken. The other part of me is realistic, and I know this is not a feasible task. So what I am going to do is split this down the middle. I will continue to scan at a high bit rate, fix the color cast’s in the photos and them look presentable, and move on. If at anytime someone wants a print of one, or when I have time, then I will fix it up. But for now, I just want to get them posted.

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