Letters and Descendant Chart

March 12th, 2010 Comments Off on Letters and Descendant Chart

There is a new batch of letters out, mostly between F.O., Elmer and Elmer’s new wife Martha. We are now up to the year 1894.

I have also added a Descendant Chart. It is in the Adobe Shockwave format. Right now it only has Ethelred and his children. When you click on one of Ethelred’s children, you will see their direct line. Clicking on Ethelred will take you back to the beginning. This is a work in progress. If you have more info than I do please let me know and I will update the chart.

Here is a direct link to the chart: Ethelred Descendant Chart

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. If your computer can not support Shockwave, I will send you the graphic files.

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