Maitlen side of the family

April 1st, 2010 Comments Off on Maitlen side of the family

I have added a section for the Maitlen side of our family. I will need to add hyper links between them and the Delk side, but for now, you can get over to the Delk side by going through Sara or Martha on the Maitlen side. I will soon be adding some photos.

In other news, Uncle Bob Delk passed away on Saturday. Naturally, I learned some things about him at his funeral, most notably, that while in the Navy, he was awarded the Purple Heart three times. This brings me to the topic of adding family members to the Delk side. It has been suggested that I add my Father and his siblings, if I receive an unanimous consensus from all, then I will go ahead and add everybody. Until, get outside and enjoy the Spring weather.

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